As a Company, we are committed to conducting and governing ourselves with ethics, transparency and accountability and to this, we have developed governance structures, practices and procedures that ensure that ethical conduct at all levels is promoted across our value chain. It is thus in acknowledgement of and consonance with these values, that we are dedicated to ensuring that the work environment at all our locations is conducive to fair, safe and harmonious relations, based on mutual trust and respect, between all the associates of the Company. We also strive to guarantee a safe and welcoming environment to all those who visit any of our locations in any capacity, such as customers, vendors etc. Discrimination and harassment of any type is strictly prohibited. We wish to promote and maintain this culture to ensure that associates of the Company do not engage in practices that are abusive in any form or manner whatsoever.
The Company aims to provide a safe working environment and prohibits any form of sexual harassment. Hence any act of sexual harassment or related retaliation against or by any associate is unacceptable. This policy therefore, intends to prohibit such occurrences and also details procedures to follow when an associate believes that a violation of the policy has occurred within the ambit of all applicable regulations regarding Sexual Harassment.
Making a false complaint of sexual harassment or providing false information regarding a complaint will also be treated as a violation of policy.
Violation of this policy will call for strict disciplinary action up to and including termination
Term/ Acronym | Explanation |
HR | Human Resources |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organization |
RM | Reporting Manager |
HRC | Harassment Redressal Committee |
This policy will extend to all associates of the Company including those employed on contractual basis. The policy also extends to those who are not associates of the Company, such as customers, visitors etc., but are subjected to sexual harassment at the Premises (defined hereinafter) of the Company.
The scope of the Policy is restricted to the following for all associates:
Without any prejudice to the rights of an associate in relation to the above the scope includes, any complaint raised specifically by an associate of the Company due to being subjected to any act of sexual harassment by another associate of the Company
“Sexual harassment" includes any unwelcome sexually determined behavior (direct or implied) such as physical contact and advances, unwelcome communications or invitations, demand or request for sexual favors, sexually cultured remarks, showing pornography, creating a hostile work environment and any other unwelcome “sexually determined behavior” (physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct) of a sexual nature
“Sexual Harassment” would also mean:
i. Quid pro quo sexual harassment, which means something in return or an exchange of one thing for another.
ii. Hostile work environment includes
This is only an indicative list of the possible acts which could be treated as sexual harassment and is in no way intended to be construed as an exhaustive list.
In countries where local laws / regulations have clearly defined ‘sexual harassment’ and procedure to address any complaint relating to it, the interpretation of ‘sexual harassment’ & the investigation procedure shall be guided in accordance with the local laws / regulations as applicable.
The Company will take reasonable steps to ensure prevention of sexual harassment at work which may include circulating applicable policies and other relevant information to all associates, including to all new joinees.
The Company will have a centralized redressal committee with a representation across the Company locations, to specifically address any complaints of sexual harassment.
The committee representative will review all cases of sexual harassment reported within the Company, on case to case basis, respective unit HR representatives would also be involved. In addition to handling complaints of sexual harassment, the committees will also co-ordinate preventive activities to create a sexual harassment free atmosphere via:
The Chairperson and every Member of the Committee shall hold office for a period not exceeding
five years, from the date of their nomination. The committee members, unit HR representatives and reporting managers will be provided necessary training inputs to handle such issues effectively and with the required sensitivity and concern.
If any associate believes that (s)/he has been subjected to sexual harassment, such person may file
a complaint with any member of the committee or send an email to The committee member on receiving a complaint will intimate the committee head. The committee head would arrange for a meeting within one week of receipt of the complaint for discussing the complaint raised.
Complaints must be brought within 3 months of the incident of Sexual Harassment.
Complaints brought after that time period will not be pursued absent extraordinary circumstances. The determination of whether the complaint was timely or whether extraordinary circumstances exist to extend the complaint period must be made in conjunction with the Legal Team.
Every attempt will be made to get the Complainant to provide the complaint in writing. The complaint shall include the circumstances giving rise to the complaint, the dates of the alleged occurrences, and names of witnesses, if any. The complaint shall be signed by the Complainant.
Complaints made anonymously or by a third party must also be investigated to the extent possible.
Where the aggrieved associate is unable to make a complaint on account of her/his physical or mental incapacity or death or otherwise, her/his legal heir or such other person as may be prescribed may make a complaint within 3 months of the incident.
If the complaint does not rise to the level of sexual harassment, the Committee may determine to dismiss the complaint without further investigation after consultation with Legal Team.
Once the investigation is completed, a determination will be made regarding the validity of the harassment allegations. If it is determined that harassment has occurred; prompt, remedial action will be taken. The unit HR representative will share the investigation details and the findings thereof with the appropriate functional Head HR and agree on the applicable disciplinary action. This may include some or all of the following:
The disciplinary action will be carried out by the concerned HR department. Such disciplinary action may even include transfer, demotion or termination. All related documents will be maintained in the associate’s folder, ensuring confidentiality.
This anti-sexual harassment policy shall not, however, be used to raise malicious complaints. If a complaint has been made in bad faith, as demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence, disciplinary action which may include demotion, suspension or termination will be taken against the person raising the complaint.
The Chairperson will share the details of all complaints received and redressed with the Corporate Ombudsman on a quarterly basis.
As per the “ Provisions of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace ( Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal ) Act, 2013 , “the employer shall include in its report the number of cases filed, if any, and their disposal under this act in the Annual report of the company or where no such report is required to be prepared, intimate such number of cases, if any, to the district officer.”
The Company encourages its clients/partners to have a commitment to a sexual harassment free working atmosphere within their Companies. The Company may play a facilitating role in redressal of complaints of sexual harassment in such circumstances.
The policy will be implemented and reviewed by the HR department. The Company reserves the right to amend, abrogate, modify, rescind / reinstate the entire policy or any part of it at any time.
Role of the Committee:
Procedure for dealing with complaints:
General Instructions:
Committee Members:The committee members are below: -
Mr. Venktesh Charan – Director - Chairman
Mr. Vishvanath B Mundra – GM Fin & CS - Member
Mr. Ramakant Dubey – GM (Ambernath Works) - Member
Mr. Prem Yadav –Manufacturing Head - Member
Viswaat Chemicals Limited (”the Company”) has adopted a Code of Ethics that lays down the principles and standards to ensure that the affairs of the company are conducted with highest standards of honesty, integrity and ethical behavior. Any actual or potential violation of the Code, howsoever insignificant or perceived as such, would be a matter of serious concern for the company.
Accordingly, this Whistle Blower Policy (“the Policy”) has been formulated with a view to provide a mechanism for directors and employees of the Company to approach the MD or the Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Company.
The definitions of some of the key terms used in this Policy are given below. Capitalised terms not defined herein shall have the meaning assigned to them under the Code.
"Audit Committee” means the Audit Committee constituted by the Board of Directors of the Company in accordance with Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013.
"Employee" means every employee of the Company, including the Directors in the employment of the Company.
"Code" means the Code of Ethics adopted by the Company.
"Investigator(s)" mean the person(s) authorised, appointed, consulted or approached by the Audit Committee and includes the auditors of the Company and the police.
"Protected Disclosure" means any communication made in good faith that discloses or demonstrates information that may evidence unethical or improper activity.
"Subject" means a person against or in relation to whom a Protected Disclosure has been made or evidence gathered during the course of an investigation.
"Whistle Blower" means an Employee making a Protected Disclosure under this Policy
All Employees of the Company are eligible to make Protected Disclosures under the Policy. The Protected Disclosures will be in relation to matters concerning the Company.
All Protected Disclosures should be addressed to Mr. Vinesh V Shetty, Managing Director of the Company and Mr R Swaminathan, Chairman Audit Committee. The contact details are as under:
Mr. Vinesh V Shetty
Mr R Swaminathan
The Protected Disclosures should preferably be reported in writing so as to ensure a clear understanding of the issue raised. The Protected Disclosures can also be reported verbally, either personally, or over telephone to the MD or Chairman of the Audit Committee, which should be followed by a written communication.
The written communication should either be typed or written In a legible handwriting in English, Hindi or in the regional language of the place of employment of the Whistle Blower.
It is suggested that the Protected Disclosure should be forwarded under a covering letter which shall bear the identity of the Whistle Blower. The MD shall detach the covering letter and discuss the Protected Disclosure with Members of the Audit Committee to decide further action in the matter. If the Whistle Blower does not wish to reveal their identity they may feel free to do so without revealing their identity too; however the disclosure has to be complete and in full supported by base facts and figures to enable proper scrutiny and investigation.
Protected Disclosures should be factual and not speculative or in the nature of a conclusion, and should contain as much specific information as possible to allow for proper assessment of the nature and extent of the concern and the urgency of a preliminary investigative procedure.
If an investigation leads the Audit Committee to conclude that an improper or unethical act has been committed, the Audit Committee shall recommend such disciplinary or corrective action as it deems fit. It is clarified that any disciplinary or corrective action initiated against the Subject as a result of the findings of an investigation pursuant to this Policy shall adhere to the applicable personnel or staff conduct and disciplinary procedures.
The Investigator(s) shall submit a report to the Audit Committee on a regular basis about all Protected Disclosures referred to him / her / them since the last report together with the results of investigations, if any.
The Company continued to support causes of public utility both directly and indirectly in the field of education, medical relief, relief to poverty, health and Environment preservation.
The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities of VISWAAT CHEMICALS LIMITED (VCL) shall be governed by the provisions of Section 135 and Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013 and the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014 (as amended from time to time). The Company is committed to its stakeholders to conduct business in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner that is transparent and ethical. The company is committed to inclusive, sustainable development and contributing to building and sustaining economic, social and environmental capital and to pursue CSR projects that are replicable, scalable and sustainable, with a significant multiplier impact on sustainable livelihood creation and environmental replenishment.
1. The CSR Committee of the Board shall be constituted in accordance with the Act. The CSR Committee shall meet at such intervals as its members deem necessary to perform the duties and responsibilities.
2. Duties & responsibilities of CSR Committee shall include:
3. The Annual CSR Plan and Budget shall be finalized in consultation with the Chairman, Managing Director of the Company along with the other CSR members.
4. The Company may undertake and implement its CSR activities by its own and company may also look into the appropriate trust, which is eligible to undertake the CSR activities as per section 135 of the companies Act, 2013. The Company may identify a partner in the form of a Non-Government Organization, any Government body or a Panchayat in the execution of any of its projects.
5. All CSR Projects shall be recommended by the Committee and approved by the Board.
6. Periodic CSR update, including achievement of deliverables shall be shared with the Chairman and the Managing Director.
7. Focus Areas for CSR shall include the followings: -
Our goal here will be to work towards long-term impact by changing habits, inculcating awareness of safe drinking water, good sanitation and hygiene. Providing necessary infrastructural support, for example, community level drinking water plants, filters, educating and creating awareness on need for safe water and hygiene. Education shall seek to mainstream children, with special focus on children of underprivileged sections of the society, by providing them with non-formal schooling opportunities which can translate later to formal school admissions. Environment Preservation includes adopting energy conservation practices, measuring and reducing carbon footprint, involving employees in conservation practices, utilizing environment-friendly materials
and rainwater harvesting and water conservation. Setting a goal to ‘green our planet’ consciously by planting trees. The Company may also undertake other CSR activities as permitted in Schedule VII of the Act.
The Board of Directors has constituted the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, as per the provision of section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, as below: -
Name of Director | Category | Position |
Mr R Swaminathan | Independent Director | Chairman |
Mr. Vinesh V Shetty | Managing Director | Member |
Mr. B. Vivek Shetty | Executive Chairman | Member |
This CSR policy will be reviewed from time to time and any changes, if necessary, will be approved by the CSR Committee and the Board.